Candace has a Speaker for Your Women's Event!

Hi Friends!
I have recently started working for a ministry that I truly believe in! Linda Anderson, who is the author of the Lifeway Curriculum, Mom to Mom is also a gifted speaker. If you are looking for something for a Women's Event or a Mom's Group, take my advice and check out Linda! for more info....
and visit the BLOG!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

"The Look"

Sometimes you don't know whether to discipline or laugh.

This time, I chose to laugh. Then, I took it a step further and got her to do it again so I could take a picture. Bad Mommy!

My girl has learned a look(I am sure from Parent's Morning Out - surely not from me...) that cracks me up, although it is not nice. When she doesn't get her way, she looks over her glasses and put her hands on her hips and purses up her lips.

I have asked her to do it only when we are having fun. I am sure my 3 1/2 year old understands that, aren't you?

Now, before you judge me as a bad parent, just take a look at the picture. Is it not hilarious? Just don't show your own child, you don't want them doing this!

1 comment:

LeighAnne said...

Okay - If you are a bad parent, so am I. Unfortunately my pics usually involve something messy or dangerous. By the way, Lincoln is more adventurous than Jackson - pretty scary!
Love and Miss You