Candace has a Speaker for Your Women's Event!

Hi Friends!
I have recently started working for a ministry that I truly believe in! Linda Anderson, who is the author of the Lifeway Curriculum, Mom to Mom is also a gifted speaker. If you are looking for something for a Women's Event or a Mom's Group, take my advice and check out Linda! for more info....
and visit the BLOG!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Santa Fe Soup!

You have to give this recipe a try!

It passed my inlaw test, so this one is a keeper!

1 comment:

Laura said...

I must admit, I've been lurking on your blog for awhile now! Actually, I began "spying" on you guys back on your caringbridge site when Hadley was born. I would check your site daily to see how she was doing. It's so good to see how well you all are doing and that you're getting ready to bring home a little boy!!!

Yes - this soup is great! Becca Wilson gave me this recipe several years ago, and it's always a hit whenever we make it!

You can check out our blog at

Have a great week!
Laura Jones Scheffer