THis is old, but I wanted to post it anyway, so I can remember it! And by the way, I have recovered!
Today, I went to the Dollar Store. I almost cried the whole way. I almost cried again in Target while I was buying long underwear (the kind like I used wear), and then, in Walmart I teared up again as I was browsing the Clearance rack. Although I did find a bathing suit for $2.50, I still wanted to cry.
As a matter of fact, I still want to cry.
I think I have a cast of "Hormones and Holidays".
We decorated for Christmas yesterday. I think that is what has set me off. As we unpacked, Chad and I both found our treasured childhood Christmas ornaments, then we found those from our honeymoon and first Christmas together and moved on to Hadley's ornaments, our ornament symbolizing our pending China adoption and an airplane ornament that makes us remember our failed Russia adoption. We also have ornaments that I have exchanged with friends that are priceless and of course, the ornaments that serve as a remembrance of where we have lived so far.... Man, this tree tells a story!
Anyway, between unpacking RubberMaid tubs full of memories makes me always want MY mommy and MY family! Does anyone else out there feel like that?
Having just spent Thanksgiving in the 80 degree weather makes me miss my beloved Tennessee, where it is an appropriate 40 degrees. Combine that fact with the fact that my family just left, and it makes for some Oscar winning crying scenes here at the Keck house. Lucky for Chad, the Tennessee football game went into 4 overtimes, so he could be immersed in the game. All I had was my debit card and Walmart, the Dollar Tree and Target to console me. HOwever, nothing can take the place of being home.
So, here's to all of us out there that will not be home for Christmas (can you not just hear Elvis singing in the background?). Let's be thankful for what we have, our good friends, our church and each other, not to mention free Long Distance...