Ok, I admit it. I am one of those moms who does not encourage the whole Princess dress up thing. I feared that my daughter would some how take advantage of the whole situation and would start ordering me around like one of her royal servants. I didn't want her to have the "me, me, me mentality" of a "Princess". You know, I like to freak out before there is ever a reason. I like to panic beforehand. I like to worry, well, you know, about nothing...
This past week, I went to DisneyWorld with all my neices and my own little girl. They are Princess Nuts. They know them all. They know all the songs. They think they are princesses.
And they are right.
On the last night of Disney, we ate dinner with the Princesses. We all got dressed up and waited for our "royal party" to be called. I walked in, where Princess Belle was waiting for us. They little girls looked in awe. They were overcome by her beauty and her elegance. I think Chad was too. At that moment he might have considered that the "Beast" was pretty lucky. As for me, I got on the hunt for a yellow dress and tiara...
Hadley was afraid to approach her, so I bent over to coax her to get the coveted princess/little girl picture. As I did, I noticed how Princess Belle was talking to the girls. She was gentle, elegant and so mannerly. Everything feminine embodied. Very girly, in all the right ways. She wasn't ordering everyone around. She wasn't spoiled. She was perfect. And just like that, I was hooked. I loved looking over seeing Hadley feel so special. So pretty. "Just like a Pincess", she later told me.
The night was perfect. I nearly cried a couple of times and if you know me, that's a stretch. But to see our daughters acting so girly and demure was great. It reminds me that I am raising a little girl that will one day, be a woman. I hope to do all I can to instill into her manners, genteelness and femininity. All of which today's culture does not encourage. I think that if you are a woman and don't take advantage of the perks such as having your car door opened, being "courted" or the boy calling you on the phone, you are truly missing out on some real magic!
I want Hadley to experience this kind of magic and I reminded that that is so much mine and Chad's responsibility. I need to act more like a "pincess" and he of course, needs to be her picture of "Prince Charming".
Now, the royal mother and Princess Hadley must take a nap. They didn't sell those at Disney!
Hey Candace,
Michelle told me about your blog and I've enjoyed reading some of it. Just my 2 cents worth about the whole princess thing....I too was unsure of promoting it or not with my daughter. However, we are children of the King and thus we are already princesses. When my daughter learns about princesses and royalty and all that goes along with that, it helps her to understand this picture of Christ as the King and us as his chosen, special, children....princesses!
I LOVE your blog Candace! You ARE a princess and we LOVED the princess breakfast when Abbie was little. Eat it up girl cause the days fly by SO fast. I sure miss the princesses now!
So glad to find you. Hadley is precious. What a gift and a PRINCESS!
stephanie willis
Hey Candace! I just looked on Hadley's Caring Bridge page for the first time in quite a while and found your blog. How fun to find these sweet pictures and updates! Hadley is so awesome. I'd love to hear about your adoption. I have a friend whose son was born at 23 weeks and he is now 12 weeks old. They have been seeing one miracle after another. Praying for them has brought you guys to mind. I hope y'all are doing great!
Amanda Moore Jones
(My friend's blog is at http://prayforcoy.blogspot.com)
Hi Candace! I found your blog by doing a search for anti-princess. I'm due to give birth to my first daughter (already have a 2 1/2 year old son) any day now and have always considered myself very Anti-Princess. I do not want to her to grow up spoiled, demanding and have a false sense of entitlement. I never stopped to consider that a Princess can be smart, kind, demure, etc. This really opened my eyes. Thank you!
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