Most of you probably don't know that I have a new gig. I have been working for the past several months at Chick-fil-A as their Unit Marketing Director. I am a liason between Chick-fil-A and schools and businesses. It was a great way to earn a little extra money for the adoption...until last Thursday....
When I had to be the COW.
For those of you that know me, you know I really don't mind doing this kind of stuff. As a matter of fact, my first job was for "The Clown Around", where I dressed up and did children's bday parties and made balloon deliveries.
But now, I am 37, a mother, for crying out loud and I am in a COW suit.
I had a gig at a private, Christian school. I show up, but the COW suit on with help from the school secretary. I get into the huge COW thing and am literally almost gagging at the smell. Lots of 18 year old boys have worn this thing before me.
For some reason, I got really chlosterphobic for about 5 minutes. I didn't think I was going to handle keeping that suit on. I tried to convince my head to quit spinning and my stomach to stop churning. Finally, I felt OK.
I ventured outside to walk around and mingle with the students. I was heading over to the preschool area and I walked into a low hanging light. I hit it so hard it knocked me backward. A COW flying through the air is not a cool thing. Take it from the COW.
It didn't hurt because that thing is huge and hard but those kids loved it. I guess I thought I was too good to be the COW, turns out I'm probably not qualified to be the COW. Got me down off my high horse pretty quick!
Well, I made merry for the rest of the visit and the kids were so cute wanting to give me hugs. When I took it off, I was so sweaty I couldn't believe it. One good thing about that stinky suit, I bet I lost 2 pounds!
Hey Everyone - a final plug for Chick-fil-A - EAT THE CHICKEN SAVE THE COW!
My last day is tomorrow... I will miss it, but I am glad for the reason - I am getting a new baby!!!
Oh sister. Bless you.
I want a picture!!! of you as the cow!
Thanks for the laugh. The visual I had in my head of you flying through the air dressed as a cow made me chuckle out loud.
Candace and Chad, We found your blog and Micah is an old OBU frat bro of Chad's. We would love to catch up with you. We are also in the process of adopting a baby from Korea. We have 2 children and this will be the first through the miracle of adoption. It is crazy how I ran across your blog. Where is your baby from? We are so excited for you, it looks like it is is close. We are still out 6-13 months, so you are way ahead of us.
God Bless you in your journey! Micah and Sunny
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