Candace has a Speaker for Your Women's Event!

Hi Friends!
I have recently started working for a ministry that I truly believe in! Linda Anderson, who is the author of the Lifeway Curriculum, Mom to Mom is also a gifted speaker. If you are looking for something for a Women's Event or a Mom's Group, take my advice and check out Linda! for more info....
and visit the BLOG!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Remember to share "the little things"!

I got an email from a precious woman at my church. Anna Braswell sent me an email telling me about what Hadley said tonight at Cubbies... I wanted to be sure it was on the blog so she could see it in years to come. From the mouth of babes....

"Also, Hadley was so sweet tonight at Cubbies. We were asking in circle time for the kids to share anything you did this week that was fun, or special way God has blessed you, and questions like that, and Hadley said she was thankful for her brother Shepherd in China, that you are going to bring him home soon, later i asked her if you did anything special for shepherd's birthday today, and she said she blew out the candles, I didn;t quite get all of that sentence when she said it, but it is very obvious she is excited to be a big sister,and it blessed me to hear her speak tonight. Anna Braswell"

Hadley was referring to her blowing out the candles on Shepherd's birthday cookie. We explained that she got to blow out the candle because Shepherd wasn't here yet. She took it all very seriously.

The next time you notice something from your friend's child, be sure and tell them, you may never know how much it means to someone to hear the sweet words your child it saying....

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I am always excited to hear what others, esp. at KinderCare have to share when it comes to something sweet that either Meg or one of the twins has said. I am so excited for you and your family that Shepherd is coming home. Take lots of pictures. I can't wait to see him with you and his big sister!