Yesterday, we celebrated Hadley's 4th birthday. Her actual birthday is not until May 19, but we will either be on our way to TN to leave for China, or IN China, so we wanted a special day for her, without being distracted!
Usually, I like to do the parties myself, coming up with themes, etc. This year, however, we needed it to be a little easier. We chose to do a Build-a-Bear party.
10 of Hadley's best pals showed up for the big day. Hadley's main concern was that everyone sing Happy Birthday. She couldn't wait for that part.
We had a great time making the BEARS. Even for us CRAFT-CHALLENGED gals, this thing was pretty much a breeze. After all, when I work the preschool area and take the 2 year olds to the craft room and see a project laid out with popsicle sticks and glue, I break out into a sweat...
We then moved on to the food court, where my fantastic husband had set up the tables, gotten the food and laid it all out. I told him later, all the moms were bragging on him -see, guys, it doesn't take much!
One thing I will say about Chad and the party. He realizes the birthday party is my realm. He helps like a champ. It works well for us. I really appreciate him on those days. He makes them easier for me, not harder.
At last, the Cookie Cake was served and everyone sang. To see her sit there with that sweet smile on her fact was priceless.
I love kids birthday parties. Looking at all those adorable, chocolate covered faces, I can hardly imagine one day they will be grown up. But I have heard from other moms (one of them is my own mom to be exact) that is goes so quick. Some days that is hard to believe, but other days, like birthday parties, I get a glimpse of the pace these days are traveling.
And, man, they ARE quick!
It is sooooo awesome to see your little miracle celebrating her fourth birthday! The years do fly by (Daniel will be a teenager this year), but each year is full of memories to last a lifetime. God is so good!
I wish I could have been at your birthday party. It must have been soooooo much fun.
I hope I get to see you on your real birthday.
I can't believe she is almost 4! I remember diligently checking your caringbridge site to check on her those first weeks/months of her life. I can vividly still see the photo of Chad's wedding ring on Hadley's arm like a bangle bracelet. She is truly a special miracle and I love to see the pictures of her now! She is precious!
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